2015年7月8日 星期三

panel PC-How to Find the Best Disc Music Box

For the music botouch screen monitorx and antique collectorAll in one computer who enjoys wooden keepsake boxes, children´s jewelry boxes, wooden music boxes, ballerina music boxes, and music trinket boxes, disc movements also make valuable collectibles。 The following are twelve interesting models of disc music boxes that collectors can choose from。

Adler Disc Music Box

This music box was made by Julius H Zimmerman。 It comes with a standard mechanism and a double-disc machine。 Disc sizes range from 71/4 to 26 inches。 The trademark ofpanel PC this disc music box is an eagle in flight before sunrise。

Baskanion Disc Box

This box was made by Paul Ehrlich and Company of the Fabrik Leipzigerdigital signage Musikwerke , Leipzig, Germany in the 1800?s。Fanless pc It is a card-style disc music box with a disc size of 11 ¼ inches。


The Britannia disc box ranges in sizes from 5 inches to 25 inches。 Made by B。H。 Abrahams, this box hassunlight readable a clearIP66 tone and was made in both upright and horizontal models。 The trademarkIndustrial pc is a lion with a globe inside a sunburst。


The Capital Cuff Box disc box was made by F。G。 Otto。 While it t is notIndustrial monitor a true disc music box, it still is unique due to its mechanism that had a distinguished conical metal sleeve, which looked like a dress cuff。 The sleeveVideo wall could be turned like a cylinder music box。 The cuffs range in sizes from 4 i/2 inches to 7 3//4 inches。

Celesta Disc Music Box

These disc boxes were particularly noted forBox PC their colorfully decorated discs ranging in sizes from 8 ½ inches to 19 5/8 inches。 They were also made in upright and horizontal models。 The trademark for this disc music box was a scroll on a bed of flowers on the discs。

